Local Dashboard
Frequently Asked Questions
What's Covered?
In this guide you’ll learn more about the Local Dashboard in Moz Local along with the modules and data included. If you are managing more than one location in Moz Local, there is further information available in our managing multiple locations guide.
Quick Links
Location Dashboard Overview
From the Dashboard tab, you’ll see an overview of the activity and health of your business location, including profile completeness, duplicates and metrics imported from Facebook and Google. You will need to connect Facebook and Google to your Moz Local Location to see these metrics.
Action items
To give you the best chance of increasing your businesses visibility, you’ll see any action items across the top of the Dashboard tab.
The panels in the Dashboard tab show you an overview of the status of your listings. This includes how complete your listings are, how well the data of your listings around the ecosystem matches the data you’ve provided Moz, whether you need to take any specific actions to improve your listings, and any duplicates we’re working on for you.

Profile Completeness
Your Profile Completeness score is an indication of how complete your Profile is in Moz Local for each location you manage. Profile Completeness is available from the Dashboard and Profile sections of Moz Local.
To help you reach 100% completeness for your location(s) you’ll be prompted to enter the information required. In this example we need to add a logo and photos as explained on the Profile Completeness panel.
You can also hover over the Profile Completeness widget to get more detail on what is missing for that particular profile.

Duplicate Reporting
Check the status of duplicate listings that Moz has found and resolved for you.

Moz Local works to find duplicate listings for your managed locations and delete them automatically. This process is fully automated and uses an algorithmic approach to identify, confirm, and delete duplicate listings at the source in an automated fashion.
This duplicate removal system is configured to detect and remove true duplicates for your location. A true duplicate is a listing that has the same (or very similar) name, address, and phone number to your managed location.
What if I find a duplicate for an old location?
If you find a listing for an old location which you need removed or updated, this would need to be processed manually with the directory on which the listing is found. With the Moz Local automated duplicate removal system, only true duplicates will be removed. This means the duplicate must have a name, address, and phone number that matches (or nearly matches) the managed location data.
What if I find a duplicate for my location on Google Maps or Facebook?
Duplicates on Google Maps and Facebook must be removed manually via Google or Facebook. This is because duplicate removal on Google Maps and Facebook require administrative permissions to make changes to listings. One option for removal of duplicates via Google Maps would be to use the Report as Duplicate option within Google itself. Alternatively, you may be able to reach out to Google Maps or Facebook support directly for assistance with duplicate removal.
Data Cleansing
When you purchase or update the address of a Moz Local location we automatically perform an additional quality check. This process includes checking your business name, address, and phone number are properly formatted to be accepted by our partners. This is called data cleansing and it takes place to ensure your business information can be successfully submitted to our partner network. You’ll know if your location in being cleansed from the Cleaning in Progress panel on the Profile tab.
The data cleansing service is both an automated and manual review process to ensure that your location data is accurate and properly formatted to ensure successful submission to the data partner network. Cleansing starts automatically once your location has been purchased or updated, regardless of whether your location has been synced.
There is no need to take any action from your end during the cleansing process. However, you can continue to add additional profile information, like photos and rich data, as prompted by the action items on the Dashboard tab. Please be aware that if you change your locations mandatory information, like location address, this can start the cleansing process again.
If you are seeing a notice in your location profile that cleansing for your location was unsuccessful, this may indicate that we were unable to verify the location of your listing. Please see our Data Cleansing guide for more information.

Visibility Index
Visibility Index is a measure of overall completeness and is calculated by the number of identical data fields when comparing the current profile, in Moz Local, with the listings on the directory pages. The more profile information there is, the higher the Visibility Index can be. To help improve your Visibility Index make sure you have completed all of your locations information on the Profile tab. We’ll then work on distributing this data to our partner network.

Filtering Dashboard Metrics
Below the filter panel you’ll see a roundup of metrics for all your managed locations (closed & inactive locations will not be included.)
You can filter and segment metrics on the Dashboard tab by name, location id, or address and also constraints based on date range. Click on the Excel button to download your metrics as an excel file for more in-depth analysis.

Please note: The default time frame for the dashboard is the Last 30 days. In order to see more reviews and ratings data, please adjust the time frame to a custom or preset range using the drop-down provided.

Understanding Dashboard Metrics
The Average Rating panel provides a quick view of your average star rating as rated by consumers across the platforms Moz Local monitors.
The Average Rating Activity panel shows your star rating across time.
The Review Analysis panel surfaces up to 100 words commonly used by your reviewers, shows the percentage of your reviews mentioning each word, and the average rating of your reviews that mention each of the words.
The Feedback Activity panel tracks consumer feedback (both with and without star ratings) across time.
Connect your account to Facebook so that Moz Local can provide data on the impressions and clicks your Facebook listing is receiving.
Connect your account to Google so that Moz Local can provide a variety of insights. These include both Google Search and Google Maps impressions, clicks-to-call, clicks-to-website, clicks for directions, photo impressions, and an overview of the number of customers finding your Google listing via branded, direct and indirect queries.
Activity Feed
The column on the right side of the dashboard keeps a running log of activity relating to your listing, such as incoming reviews, updates to your data, and more.

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