Managing Multiple Locations
Frequently Asked Questions
What's Covered?
In this guide you’ll learn more about how to manage more than one location in Moz Local. We will cover how to purchase additional locations, the Dashboard view, Locations view, and how to filter and sort your locations.
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Introduction to Managing Multiple Locations in Moz Local
With Moz Local, you can manage multiple locations, all within the same account.
Moz Local is a location-based service, which means that you must purchase a subscription for any location you wish to manage through the tool. You can manage multiple locations within the same dashboard and login, but each one will need to have its own subscription.
For example, if you own ABC Sandwiches on Pine Street and you want to manage your location data with Moz Local, you will need to purchase a subscription to Moz Local for this location. If, six months later, you open a second location on Broadway and want to start managing that location’s data as well, you will need to purchase a second subscription for Moz Local specific to this location. You can purchase the second subscription within the same account, which will then have two Moz Local subscriptions—one for ABC Sandwiches on Pine Street and one for ABC Sandwiches on Broadway.
The same principle applies for managing multiple clients’ locations within the tool. Each location will need to have its own subscription, but they can all be purchased and managed from within the same account.
You can view our various subscription levels and their prices per location on our pricing page.
When managing multiple locations in Moz Local, each location will have its own Dashboard, Profile, Directories, Customer Feedback, and Publish tabs. To access those views for a specific location, click on the location from within the Locations View.
In addition to the standard views for each location, managing multiple locations allows access to a new Dashboard View and Locations View.
Purchasing Additional Locations
If you would like to start managing additional Moz Local locations within your Moz account, you can do so at any time.
When purchasing additional Moz Local locations, you have two choices:
Check Presence — Enter your business name, address (street number and name), and postal code, and click on the Check Now button to see a breakdown of your online presence that indicates what percentage of your location’s listings are missing, incorrect, and correct. Click on the Improve with Moz Local button to purchase your location. Ensure you have only entered the street number and name into the address field, not the suite number. To learn more about this tool, see our Check Presence guide.
Add Location — Purchase your location right away by entering your business information and selecting your subscription plan.

Dashboard View
When managing multiple locations in Moz Local, you will have an additional Dashboard View which includes statistics and information for all your managed locations.
This Dashboard View will include accumulated data for Profile Completeness, Listings, and Deleted Duplicates for all of your locations. The news feed on the right will also include alerts for all of your locations.
Use the Filters box to filter and see data for a specific location or for a set of locations you manage.

If you have Google and/or Facebook connected to your account, you will see review data, impressions, and clicks for all of your connected locations that include Customer Feedback in their subscription plans.
You will still have access to the Local Dashboard for individual locations within your account. To access that view, click the location you’d like to view from Locations (available in the left navigation).
Locations View
In addition to a Dashboard View which includes information about all your locations, managing multiple locations adds a Locations View to your account.
Within the Locations View, you will see the following information about each of your managed locations, all in one place:

A. Location name and address - the name and address of each location you manage through Moz Local. You will also see the location identifier noted if you have added one to your profile. Only address line 1 will be visible in this view.
B. Location status - shows the renewal date for the location and whether or not auto-renew is enabled via the colored dot to the left. Green indicates the location has auto-renew enabled. Yellow indicates auto-renew is disabled and the location will be removed from your account at the end of the billing period (on the date noted in this column). Red indicates the location has been marked as permanently closed and is in a cancelled state.
C. Directories - the number of listings which are currently in sync for this location in supported directories (not in the Listings being updated or Listings requiring your attention statuses).
D. Profile Completeness - the percentage of Profile Completeness for this location.
E. Missing Data - indicates that there is data missing from this location’s profile and whether Facebook and/or Google are connected.
F. Posts and review data - indicates posts sent, average star rating, and total reviews for this location when Google is connected and Customer Feedback is included in your subscription. If no information is available, n/a or - will be shown in these columns.
G. Profile Suggestions - indicates whether Profile Suggestions have been found for this location.
H. Labels - displays labels for this location when they have been added to the location profile.
I. Date of your last sync - the date of the last sync for this location. When auto-sync is enabled, this is determined by the last time the location profile was updated and saved.
You will also have the option to search your managed locations and filter by Sync Status, Location Status, and Directory Connection Status.

Sync Status

Sync Status gives you the option to view only locations which are currently Synced, those for which a Sync never started, or those which Require new sync.
Sync never started indicates that Auto-Sync is not enabled for this location and your location data has not been synced with directories. Saving your location profile data will confirm any changes within the Moz Local Profile. To submit those changes to partner directories, you'll need to either sync manually or switch on auto-sync.
Requires new sync indicates that the Profile for this location has been updated and saved but Auto-Sync is not enabled. Therefore a new sync is required in order to submit the new changes to partner directories.
Requires Review indicates there was an issue with the cleansing process for this location and the listing details will need to be reviewed and updated within your Profile section. Please see our Data Cleansing guide for more details.
Location Status

Location Status allows you to filter and see locations currently marked as Active, Cancelled, or Closed.
Active indicates that the location has auto-renew enabled.
Cancelled indicates auto-renew is disabled and the location will be removed from your account at the end of the billing period (i.e. on the date noted in this column).
Closed indicates that the location has been marked as permanently closed and is in a cancelled state. Locations marked as Closed will automatically have auto-renew disabled and will be removed from your account at the end of the billing period.
Directory Connection Status

Directory Connection Status allows you to filter and see locations that are connected or not connected to Google and/or Facebook. You can also filter and see locations that are verified or not verified by Google.
Confirming Moz Local Subscription Levels
If you need a quick and easy way to confirm the subscription level of your Moz Local locations, you can verify this information from the Subscriptions Summary of your account. For each location you’re managing in Moz Local, we will note the name of the business, address, current Product Plan, subscription Status, and the Renewal Date.
You can sort the list of managed locations by clicking the headers of each column or by using the search box provided.
You may see the following subscription statuses noted on this page:
Active - This status indicates that that subscription is Active and set to renew on the indicated renewal date.
Pending Cancel - This status indicates that auto-renew is currently disabled and this location is set to cancel on the renewal date.

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